Hell, How can a loving God allow Hell to exist?

Hell, How can a loving God allow Hell to exist? I hear all the time, how can a loving God allow Hell to exist?  Easy, it has to exist.  So the shortest blog ever. Not really, but that is the correct answer or there is no purpose to life.  We have to let kids makeContinue reading “Hell, How can a loving God allow Hell to exist?”

Homily 25th Sunday Ordinary Time Sept 18th 2016

Homily 25th Sunday Ordinary Time Sept 18th 2016 The readings for today from the USCCB website are AM 8:4-7  PS 113:1-2, 4-6, 7-8  1 TM 2:1-8 LK 16:1-13 The Gospel is troubling as the Steward cheats his master and is rewarded.  I never write out my homilies.  My process starts on Sunday and I read the readings for theContinue reading “Homily 25th Sunday Ordinary Time Sept 18th 2016”

Abortion in Faith! New amazingly evil ad in SA Express News!

Abortion in Faith! A full page ad in today’s San Antonio “news” paper has an attractive woman in a bright red dress (or should it be blood red) proclaiming she believed in an Abortion in Faith.  Asking for equality for woman.  I realize that as someone in a position not open to woman, runs aContinue reading “Abortion in Faith! New amazingly evil ad in SA Express News!”