4 July and here come the Flags- Pet-Peeve #2

Some background to maybe keep you reading, before I get into why I think there should be no flags. My dad served for almost 30 years in the US Air Force.  I server for 13 years in the USAF Reserves.  I have lost friends and do whatever I can to support our military.  I wasContinue reading “4 July and here come the Flags- Pet-Peeve #2”

I don’t think it is wrong or is a sin, but I’m afraid of hell!

I was told this by a young person after asking, why do you think “x” is a sin.  The full answer was “I don’t think it is a sin, but I’m afraid of hell and am ‘hedging’ my bets.”  This betrays a belief that God can be “played” or that God really doesn’t know whatContinue reading “I don’t think it is wrong or is a sin, but I’m afraid of hell!”

How much of Mass can I miss for it to count

How much of Mass do I really need to attend to meet my Mass obligation?I love this question, not really.  It isn’t about what counts and what doesn’t count.  It is about trying to enter into a deeper relationship with our God.  And to ask “what counts”  I think of Sheldon on “Big Bang” andContinue reading “How much of Mass can I miss for it to count”

Mingling of Water and Wine at Mass – Pet Peeve series #1

Deacons and priests are blessing the water before they put a drop of water into the chalice with the wine during the preparation of the gifts and I don’t like it.  I also can’t find anything in the current rubrics calling forit. Frequently during my leave, I sat through Mass and wondered, could they haveContinue reading “Mingling of Water and Wine at Mass – Pet Peeve series #1”