First Post from Ireland

First Post From Ireland

It is hard to believe that we are here.  All are safe and sound and dealing with jet lag in our own ways.  We have a very diverse group and the only two things that bring us all together are either people at parishes that I have served or friends and family of Greg Davis to did all the work to put this together.  It has be an Irish adventure so far.  And I found this on a wall today at St. Mary’s (Catholic, as yesterday learned that St. Pat’s Cathedral in Dublin is Protestant.)

Yesterday’s hotel I think had us all a but wary.  We got there a little early and they just invited us to leave our bags and return at 3pm.  No rooms for elderly, nothing.  We made great use of the time and went to the Jameson Museum on the site of the original distillery.  That was the high point of Dublin.  Yesterday was a Holiday and most poeple we off work and roads closed for various events. Got a great driving tour, but that was our first glimpse into the life and and history of Ireland.

One stop was Trinity College where the book of Kells is kept.  All I can say is wow.  There were not pictures in that room, but what an amazing work that starting in the 6th century.  The work of those monks is simply amazing.  Click on image to left if you want more on this facinating and very old book of the Gospels.


The hotel didn’t cease to disappoint when at 7am when breakfast was scheduled to start, they were already out of Eggs and it was 7:30 before we got through the line.  Food was good, just not worth the wait.  We gathered for mass and we were off to Kilkenny and some amazing scenery.



We were dropped off at the Butler Castle and the group splintered.  My group did the Video for the Castle and headed for the Churches and a walk through the city.  St Mary’s was very pretty in in the midst of raising money for renovation.  They had a unique program going and they were set up for a wedding, but even more poignant was the Dominican Church.

Dominican Black Abbey, names such for all the members they lost to the plague.  There was a heavy feeling there, but the windows and the fact they were having adoration helped.  It was a bit odd when Dominican priest comes out in a stole, stands in behind Altar and I am thinking Benediction, no, he takes luna out, like getting mail from box and picks up monstrance sort of like actors as they walk away with their Oscars.  Hands luna to guy in suit who light the candles for mass and then puts the luna in Tabernacle.  This Church however was one of the few that can say they have had mass regularly for the last 800 years in Ireland.  Founding in 13th Century.

A few centuries later and just up the hill is St. Mary’s Cathedral was built.  An amazing space especially considering time it was build on one of the highest points in Kilkenny.  Built in traditional cruciform style, with amazing art that reminded me of Conception Abby in Mo.






Not sure where we are other than south coast of Ireland in Cork County.  Tomorrow in Blarney Castle and Stone and many other adventures.

And a short side note….they don’t have the FDA there.  There is no cooler on this van, and the meat sure looks good!


3 thoughts on “First Post from Ireland

  1. Looks wonderful! My sister and I just bought our Rick Steve’s book on Ireland and plan to go next year. Can’t wait!

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